
Horse Racing

I recently went to the casino with my mom for the first time in my life.  It was fun. I never thought of the casino as something i wanted to do. Its not my type of scene.. but i really enjoyed myself.  It wasnt the gambling that i enjoyed so much as watching the horses race.  Exciting mann .. very exciting.


B H P *

Featuring Tommy. ♥

Charli Charli Charli




Meeting For The First Time.

Charli Elysse & Christion Eugene
Charli, 7 weeks and Christion, 4 weeks meetting for the first time. (:
& they have the same initials.. C.E. (without the last names) 

Charli Says Happy V-Day.

Family Time.


Happy Valentines Day.

Remember L O V E is the word of the day. Dont forget to love. (:

xoxo Black Heart Photography.


still trying this photoshop thing.

What do you think? :)



my looveeee <3
Went to the Tanger outlets in Deer Park, NY. It has such nice scenery and it photographs amazingly well. However, security was everywhere and everytime i pulled my camera out they were all "excuse me sir, you can't take pictures here." So these are the only pictures i managed to get. Its of the movie theater. I think its so cool that an outlet has a movie theater... as well as an ice skating ring.


Winter Wonderland

I love the snow. Its beautiful in the early mornings.

A New Love.

My niece, born December 21st 2009. Shes so sweet and pretty. Its amazing. Babies are such great gifts. She's only 6 weeks old right now. but there will be many many more posts of her. :)